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SACO – Subject Authority Cooperative Program. The Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) was established to provide a means for libraries to submit subject headings and classification numbers to the Library of Congress via the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).

SGML – Standard Generalized Markup Language

SKOSSimple Knowledge Organisation System

SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) – A standard search protocol for Internet search queries, utilizing CQL (Common Query Language) which is a standard query syntax for representing queries. SRW (Search Retrieve Web Service) Search/Retrieve Web Service, a protocol bringing together Z39.50 experience with developments in web technologies which aims to integrate access to various networked resources, and to promote interoperability between distributed databases. A part of the ZING initiative. (Prytherch, 2005, p. 659)

Standards – Any code of rules or procedures established by national and international library organizations to govern bibliographic control, such as the MARC record format, CIP, and the ISBN/ISSN adopted by the publishing industry. (Reitz, 2004, p. 680)

Standard identifiers – The unique identification number assigned to an edition at the time of first publication, in accordance with an internationally standardized identification system, usually appearing somewhere on the item. In books published in hardcover, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is printed on the verso of the title page and usually on the front flap of the dust jacket. In paperback editions, it appears on the verso of the title page and on the back cover (usually in the lower-right-hand corner). In serials, the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) appears in the masthead or with the table of contents of each issue or on the copyright page of each volume or part of a series. In printed music, the International Standard Music Number (ISMN) appears on the copyright page. In ISBD descriptions, the standard number is entered in the standard number and terms of availability area of the bibliographic description. (Reitz, 2004, p. 680)

Standard numbers, see Standard identifiers

Statement of International Cataloguing Principles  In the interest of efficiency it was determined to hold the regional meetings in five areas of the world that generally would coincide with the IFLA General Meeting held each August. The meetings were held in 2003 in Frankfurt, Germany (European countries and Anglo-American rule makers); 2004 in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Latin American and Caribbean countries); 2005 in Cairo, Egypt (Arabic-speaking Middle Eastern and Northern African countries); 2006 in Seoul, Korea (Asian rule makers and countries); and 2007 in Pretoria, South Africa (Sub-Saharan African countries). This document  provides the framework to reach the original goals of IFLA to increase the sharing of bibliographic information across communities, languages, and scripts.

SWDSchlagwortnormdatei = Subject Headings Authority File. The Subject Headings Authority File provides a normed, terminologically controlled vocabulary. The sources employed for it are listed in the ‘Liste der fachlichen Nachschlagewerke’ (List of information resources available for the Authority Files.  It contains listing and reference protocols for subject headings determined in accordance with the ‘Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog’  (Rules for the Subject Catalogue) and ‘Praxisregeln zu ded RSWK und der SWD’ (Rules for Application of the RSWK and SWD). The subject headings cover all fields of knowledge and are classified by ISO country code  and SWD Subject Groups. The SWD is produced and updated daily by the indexers of the participating libraries.

TEIText Encoding Initiative

Tools for Authority Control– Subject Headings  The list contains tools for Authority Control– Subject Headings offered by Cataloguing  Distribution Service.

UBC – Universal bibliographic control

UBCIM, see Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC

UDC – Universal Decimal Classification.  The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world’s foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool. It was adapted by Paul Otlet and Nobel Prizewinner Henri La Fontaine from the Decimal Classification of Melvil Dewey, and first published (in French) from 1904 to 1907. Since then, it has been extensively revised and developed, and has become a highly flexible and effective system for organizing bibliographic records for all kinds of information in any medium (it is well suited to multi-media information collections). It is structured in such a way that new developments and new fields of knowledge can be readily incorporated. The code itself is independent of any particular language or script (consisting of Arabic numerals and common punctuation marks), and the accompanying class descriptions have appeared in many translated versions. UDC is in worldwide use, and has been published in whole or in part in 23 different languages. The English-language editions are extensively used both in Anglophone countries and those where English is co-official or a working language (the British Isles, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, several African countries) and have a significant presence in other cultures as well.

UKOLN – UKOLN is a research organization that aims to inform practice and influence policy in the areas of: digital libraries, information systems, bibliographic management, and web technologies. It was formerly the UK Office for Library and Information Networking.

UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNIMARCUniversal MARC.  Standard for the representation and exchange of data in machine-readable form.  Maintenance and update of UNIMARC, now a set of four formats – Bibliographic, Authorities, Classification and Holdings – is the responsibility of the Permanent UNIMARC Committee.

Universal bibliographic control and International MARC (UBCIM) – The Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC) programme was set up in 1974 by IFLA to encourage international conformity in the exchange of bibliographic data, following activity from 1969 by cataloguing experts. The international MARC Programme was amalgamated with UBC in 1986 to form UBCIM. Much was achieved, and the programme had become redundant; it was closed in 2003. The UNIMARC format, which had been one of the major projects of UBCIM, is to be continued by the National Library of Portugal. Other aspects of the programme will be continued by ICABS (The IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Bibliographic Standards). (Prytherch, 2005, p. 717)

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

URN – Universal Resource Name

USEMARCON Plus – The Universal MARC Record Convertor.  USEMARCON is a software application that allows users to convert bibliographic records from one MAchine-Readable Cataloguing (MARC) format to another.

Using National Bibliography Numbers as Uniform Resource Names  – National bibliography numbers (persistent and unique identifiers assigned by the national libraries) can be supported within the URN (Uniform Resource Names) framework and the syntax for URNs defined in RFC 2141. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3188.txt

Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) – The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, the Library of Congress, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, and OCLC are jointly conducting a project to match and link the authority records for personal names in the retrospective personal name authority files of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (dnb), the Library of Congress (LC), and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). For more information see: [http://viaf.orgwww.oclc.org/research/projects/ viaf/]

Voluntary deposit – Voluntary deposit is an agreement by which publishers commit to deposit material with the national bibliographic agency.

W3C – World Wide Web Consortium

XML – eXtensible Markup Language

Z39.50 – A client server protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote computer databases. It is covered by ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50, and ISO standard 23950. The standard’s maintenance agency is the Library of Congress.