08:30 – 10:30


Simultaneous Interpretation

In the 5 years since the last major session at WLIC, we have seen talk of the death of the physical books replaced by talk of the death of the eBook (both unsubstantiated), evolution in licensing practices and the emergence of library created platforms, and the first e-Public Lending Right scheme established. While it may be too soon to talk about the maturity of eLending, it is time to explore recent trends and questions faced by libraries which are already eLending, or are looking to do so. This session, coordinated by IFLA’s Working Group on eLending will share the latest research on the impact of eLending on sales and readership, and the latest practical steps to make eLending work for libraries and their users.


Moderator: Margaret Allen (Australia)


I. The eLending Landscape:


1. Keynote: 5 countries and 100,000 books – what the data tell us about the eLending landscape

Rebecca Giblin (Monash University, Australia)

2. Malaysian response

Vui Yin Wong (Sabah State Library, Malaysia)

3. African response

Sarah Kaddu (Uganda Christian University, Uganda)

4. Latin America and the Caribbean Response

Fredy Forero (Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe, CERLALC)

2. NAPLE eLending Research project

Mikkel Christoffersen (Copenhagen Libraries, Denmark)


II. Hot Topics in eLending:


1. eAudio

Mikkel Christoffersen (Copenhagen Libraries, Denmark)

2. Libraries and self publishing initiatives

Christina de Castell (Vancouver Public Library, Canada)