
Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) is an initiative within IFLA to defend and promote the basic human rights defined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FAIFE provides advice to the Governing Board and Secretary General on these issues in relation to IFLA’s strategic direction, and works in consultation with other relevant IFLA professional programmes and sections. The Committee complements the work of the Governing Board and IFLA Staff. It does not remove or replace any of the responsibilities of the Governing Board or the Secretary General and staff.


The responsibilities of the FAIFE Advisory Committee are to:

  • advise the Governing Board on freedom of access to information and freedom of expression in all aspects, directly or indirectly related to library and information services;
  • monitor the state of intellectual freedom affecting the library and information community worldwide;
  • promote awareness of and activities related to freedom of access to information and freedom of expression;
  • encourage reflection on and activities supporting the understanding of fundamental library principles and ethics;
  • support IFLA policy development on freedom of access to information and freedom of expression aspects, directly or indirectly related to library and information services,
  • collaborate with IFLA’s advisory committees and professional units where specific expertise may be provided by FAIFE or drawn from IFLA’s committees and their networks;
  • cooperate with other international human rights organisations, and respond to violations of freedom of access to information and freedom of expression as defined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Committee will report to the Governing Board. The Chair may be invited to participate in Governing Board strategic planning processes, as appropriate.


The FAIFE Advisory Committee consists of up to 13 members:

  • 10 appointed members, including the Chair
  • One Governing Board member
  • The Chair of the CLM Committee (ex-officio)
  • The Deputy Secretary General, (non-voting) who will represent the Secretary General as an ex-officio member.

The Director of Professional Services will be responsible for secretariat support to FAIFE.

Rules of Procedure

Members, including the Chair, will be appointed by the Governing Board, in line with the following nomination procedures:


National Association Members which are not in arrears are eligible to nominate candidates for the position of Chair. Only one candidate nomination will normally be accepted from each National Association Member.


National Association Members and Institutional members which are not in arrears are eligible to nominate candidates for these positions. Only one candidate nomination will normally be accepted from each National Association or Institutional Member.

Nomination process

Nominations, in response to a call for nominations issued by the Secretary General, must be submitted by the announced deadline and accompanied by an indication of the nominee's experience and expertise in the subject area of the committee , together with an indication of the support the nominee is likely to attract from their institution and/or association. Nominees should have consented to their nomination.

The Governing Board reserves the right to appoint the Chair and up to three Committee members directly, in line with their expertise.

When making appointments, the Board shall ensure continuity in knowledge and experience in the membership from term to term.

Terms of Office

The Chair and Committee members will be appointed for two years to coincide with the term of the Governing Board. In making its appointments the Board will aim for some continuity in knowledge and experience in the membership from term to term.

Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms.


The Committee shall meet face to face at least once a year, and electronically as required.