The decisions taken in Brussels and Strasbourg have a significant impact on libraries. To prepare for the coming mandate of the European Parliament, IFLA and partners have developed a Library Manifesto for Europe.

Front cover of the Library Manifesto for EuropeThe Manifesto is the result of a collaboration led by IFLA, in partnership with LIBER, EBLIDA, SPARC Europe and Public Libraries 2030. The Manifesto for Europe sets out requests in six key areas for libraries and their users. These cover the work of libraries in supporting education and skills, research and innovation, and culture and heritage. They also stress the need for Europe to play an active role in supporting libraries worldwide, both through its development programmes and the positions on issues such as copyright.

We encourage anyone in the European Union and beyond with an interest in supporting libraries and their missions to read the manifesto and use it in your own advocacy work.

Visit the website to download translations of the report and relevant materials.